Field Trips
The Willamette Valley Pleistocene Project conducts excavations and river floats during the summer low water season (generally June through September, depending on weather). Participation is often limited by the physical conditions at the site, or size of boats and/or river.
Floats usually are day long adventures and scheduling is worked out on an individual contact basis. Upon contact with us you will receive an information letter which will brief you on safety expectations, equipment, clothing, etc.
Excavations can go on for a number of days; you participation can be for as large or as small a portion of it as you choose. Upon contact with us you will be briefed on locations, safety expectations, equipment, clothing, etc.
Post float or excavation participation can also be part of your adventure, if you wish to identify, preserve, restore, photograph, add data, learn to cast and finish replicas, or participate in presentations. Just ask!
So, interested? Just push the “contact” button on the Home Page.