North America Research Group
August 16 and 17, 2014 Woodburn High School dig. NARG members joined Alison Stengers OAS and PCC groups looking for Pleistocene bones. Saturday 57 bones were found including bird, frog, muskrat and bison. Sunday more bones were found (about 50) including more muskrat and frog, camel and turtle. Many thanks to our hosts!
South Yamhill River float trip August 4, 2014. Mike Full hosted Richard Kimbell and Debbie Shannon for a full day of fossil hunting and river floating. Richard found 2 bones and an artifact, Mike found a nice piece of ivory. Debbie found a possible mastodon rib. Great day! Here is underwater video on excavating the rib:
Video of the trip back:
Our fossil research group rarely gets this many folks in one spot!
Video slide show of NARG’s activity at the McMinnville Mammoth Site
August 25, & 26, 2012
Show this video to Your fossil friends!
A few pictures of our work and fun at the mammoth rescue site:
August 26, 2012
Rosie The Mammoth
Reveals Her First Tooth!
Rose Jackson With Her Very First Fossil Find
A Baby Mammoth Tooth!
Mike Full Named This Find “Rosie” After Rose Jackson, Finder of The Tooth
Jauhn Brasseur Working on Mammoth Tusk
Larry Purchase With Mammoth Rib
Richard Kimbell With Mike Full’s Harlan’s Ground Sloth Scapula During Expedition Miles up The Yamhill River
Debra Jackson With Possible Bison Rib!

Richard Kimbell Finds Cervid Tooth in Yamhill River!
Richard Kimbell Finds Mammoth Cranial Fragment! New Mammoth Finder!
Richard Kimbell Finds Mammoth Ivory!
David Ellingson allowed NARG members to sift for fossils at the Woodburn site
October 5, 2013
NARG members fossil hunting at the Woodburn site:
Phil Knuteson
Larry Purchase
Debbie Jackson
Melissa Foree
Julie Wasmer
Jonah Wasmer
Emma Wasmer
Richard Kimbell
For a unique perspective on the dig,
we did a timelapse of part of our day:
We couldn’t screen for bones due to not having the correct water wrench.
We sifted the soil in our hands to save what bones we could find from being lost.
We did find two bones. Debbie Jackson found a frog femur.
Richard Kimbell found a small broken non-diagnostic bone.
North America Research Group wishes to thank David Ellingson
as well as Woodburn High School for this opportunity.
We are already wanting to come back next year.
Visit us at our North America Research Group homepage HERE